There has been no shortage of disasters in our country the last couple of years. Besides the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown:
* Rioting and looting all across the country in the past couple of years
* A Toxic Chemical Spill in Ohio, plus multiple chemical plant explosions in the past year
* Natural disasters
* Record-breaking illegal immigration and the threat of terrorism
* COVID vaccines now mandated for children, in spite of fact they statistically greatly increase risk of death and disability with no statistical health benefit to children
* The threat of an escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine
* A massive increase of untenable federal spending that is inflating the dollar, diminishing the value of your property and savings, and putting the dollar at risk
I have always believed in being prepared. Proverbs 27:12 says, "A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." (New Living Translation)
If there was a crisis, would you be able to provide for your family? Now is the time to invest to ensure your family is protected in a crisis. I believe every family would be wise to have a year supply of important medications, food, seeds, and if the electrical grid goes down, a means to acquire water. Plus, a means to defend your family and property, and a place to go away from the city if the city becomes unsafe.
If you'd like to stock up on important medications, please make an appointment with Dr. Johnston.
One of the best, simple books for beginners learning out to prepare for crisis is "How to Survive the End of the World As We Know It" by James Wesley Rawles. Click HERE to purchase on Amazon.

I have found all of Rawles' books educational and entertaining. Good purchases to educate your teens on subjects that could one day be important for their survival.
Most importantly, pray for our nation and its leaders.
James P. Johnston, D.O.,